Political Authority, Moral Powers and the Intrinsic Value of Obedience
William A. Edmundson
3 conclusions:
(i) the state claims to possess a moral power to subject citizens to duties of obedience, but non-consent apologies can at best deliver a ‘side-effect’ power
(ii) consent theories of political authority aspire to justify one moral power by appeal to another, but they encounter familiar objections;
(iii) if authority is a moral power─as the state at least implicitly claims─its justification will have to portray obedience as intrinsically valuabe.
1. Political Authority as Moral Power
Side-effect→ moral effect not moral power→ the distinction between two types of reason for action→ intrinsic & non-intrinsic reason.
2. Moral Powers Distinguished From Side-effect Powers
Indications of an exercise of a moral power:
A. Purposive, Never Inadvertent
Moral Power:舉手示意通過
B. Content Independent, not dependent
Side-effect:give content-independent reason
Moral Power:dependent reason
C. Small-error-tolerant, Not Intolerant
Side-effect:exercising for reason→ normally for further some end
Ex. Jogging before breakfast for morale (command), so rainy day? Still follow command→ No morale (small error).
C-I: 無論有無其他贊成或反對理由而實踐
Small-error-tolerant: 無限制條件時,即使目的無效率或不達仍實踐
D. Direct, Not Indirect
Side-effect:illocutionary 以言行事
Moral Power:perlocutionary 以言成事
3. Moral Powers and Intrinsic Reason for Action
Non-intrinsic Reason:
Instrumental reason→ 本身無價值,但能引出有價值sth. valuable itself
Epistemic reason→ a fact, 使型隊者知道這麼做能完成或引出他有intrinsic reason 去做的事。
Intrinsic Reason:
※賦予行動intrinsic reason之能力( Moral Power之意義)→ C-I→ M.P.所擁有
※服從之intrinsic reason為Small-error-tolerant(著眼於實行與服從之間的結果)於duties的解釋→ M.P.之產物
4. Restating the Problem of Political Obligation
Political authority→ M.P.
M.P.→ 使人尊重I.R.,可解釋&似是而非→ 法律規定可理解
John Rawls:「人士有效宣爭之自我組成來源」→ 自我組成來源這個I.R.使他人因你身為人而尊重你
→ 使人尊重non-intrinsic reason不可理解
non-intrinsic reason是provisional reason(臨時理由)
└epistemic reason:可被更高的epistemic reason取代
└instrumental reason:承諾賦予的I.R.不因工具價值改變而消失
→ 然而,我們經常使人尊重non-intrinsic reason
non-intrinsic reason創造了fact→ fact 賦予新義務,但非來自M.P.
└epistemic reason:可被更高的epistemic reason取代
→ 使人尊重intrinsic reason對同意理論的解釋有幫助
但通常人不會同意受苦難→ side-effect power again